Leo Méndez Jr. confessed to being abused at the age of nine


Last night, the last chapter of the Vertigo season was aired, where Leo Méndez Jr., Renato Munster, Carmen Gloria Arroyo, Maly Jorquiera and Óscar Álvarez played for the rematch.

One of the most impactful confessions He generated that of Leo Méndez Jr., who made public one of the most traumatic episodes of his childhood.

"At 9 years old I suffered badual abuse, this person does not exist today, he was in a coma but he was not awake and I'm not going to say who put him in a coma, but this person did not know what he did. "

DJ Méndez's son also added that this chapter it marked him immensely: "That put me in a super ugly situation, depression, until today I was reliving that, that's why I smoke a lot of cigarettes, I m? evade with cigarettes, lock me up and do not sleep. "

" I do not plan to go into details, but for me it's personal It took me a lot of time to tell my family, last year I was counting The only one who knows more is my sister Stefi, with her I speak everything. "

Here we leave the video of the moment in" Vertigo ": [19659002]


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