Leonor Varela to Nicolás López: "Because I've worked with you, I'm not surprised what you say" – Shows and Culture


Leonor Varela to Nicolás López: "Because I was working with you, I'm not surprised by what is being said"

The actress asked the filmmaker to take charge of her infamous attitude.

24Horas.cl Tvn [19659004] 30.06.2018

The actress Leonor Varela refers to the accusations against the director Nicolás López, where eight women reported harbadment and badual abuse in the Saturday Magazine of El Mercurio.

Cleopatra's interpreter indicated through her Twitter account: "How heavy your own Nicolás López I am not surprised by what is said here, all my support for courageous actresses who speak, even if you've never touched me (contrary to what you've said to a lot of people) it's time to take an infamous attitude. "

That heavy on yours Nicolas Lopez Having worked with you I'm not not surprised what is said here All my support for courageous actresses who speak.
Even if you've never touched me (contrary to what you've said to a lot of people), it's time to take on a bad attitude. pic.twitter.com/t2mqXHGfRo

– Leonor Varela (@Leonorvarela) June 30, 2018

Recall that during this day the man in charge of the bands as "Middle Red", the trilogy of "What Shame …" and "Without Filter", he argued before the charges that "I defend the right to denounce any kind of abuse." But I do not understand not what happens If I have been lost at times, I beg your pardon, but I am not a stalker or an aggressor " badured López


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