Lewis Hamilton wins the F1 title in Mexico


Pentacampeón mundial

For the second year in a row, Lewis Hamilton took advantage of Mexico's Grand Prix stage to win the Formula 1 championship. But yesterday's coronation placed the British in the sport's historic elite automobile.

Hamilton tied with the legendary Argentinian Juan Manuel Fangio and entered his name in the select group of runners who won at least five titles.

"It does not seem real, I feel I have not woken up yet and will wake up in a few moments." said Hamilton. "It was a difficult year, we had a lot of difficulties but we won with hard work, raising expectations was a difficult challenge and I had to prepare myself mentally and I could squeeze a little more, but it did not exist secret formulas. "

The Mercedes driver, who arrived in Mexico, was protected by a comfortable lead in the standings against Germany's Sebastian Vettel. , finished in fourth place in the trials won by Dutchman Max Verstappen for the second year in a row. It was enough for Hamilton to get his fourth title in the last five years.

"It's not real to have five championships, winning first was incredible, and being mentioned with Fangio is something that makes me humble and emotionally complete," added Hamilton. "For now, I want to enjoy this moment because it will only last a short time, it's a beautiful moment and I want to taste it."

Fangio won five championships in six seasons in the 50s Hamilton was placed on two scepters by German Michael Schumacher, the most titled in history.

The "Master" Fangio is considered one of the founding fathers of Formula 1 and has won his five championships with four different teams: Mercedes, Alfa Romeo, Ferrari and Maserati.

In Search of "Schumi"

Hamilton, 33, old, aspires to approach Schumacher's record.

"I still have a few years left to try, but Michael was a genius behind the wheel and for all that he did with Ferrari, I will always be his admirer," added the British driver.

Verstappen, second behind Daniel Ricciardo, made the fifth Grand Prix of his career, first in Australia at the start of the season.

"I arrived with the same hope as last year, but it's not easy to win anywhere," said the 21-year-old Dutchman. "It's a track that's close to my heart, especially in the stadium area where people feel a lot (Foro Sol)."

The second place goes to Vettel of Ferrari, who saw the slight possibilities that

"Well deserved by Lewis, I have to congratulate him, I would have liked to stay a little longer in the fight, but that could not be, "said Vettel, who had a good start to the season but then dropped. . "I do not want to talk about that for the moment, we have to congratulate Lewis because he managed fifth place, it's something unbelievable."

Finland's Kimi Raikkonen took advantage of Ricciardo's retirement to complete the podium.- AP

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