Lionel Messi: How many times has the Argentinian been injured during his career?


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On purpose with what happened in the match between Barcelona and Seville, where Lionel Messi was wounded in the right arm and away from the court for three weeks. Here is a report of all the injuries suffered by the Argentine throughout his career.

Although it is a player often beaten during matches and given his age, the captain of the Argentine team suffered only 18 injuries, including the most recent, between serious and some minor.

We go back to the year 2006, when Argentina was injured four times during this year. The first went to the right femoral biceps on February 5 against the Atlético de Madrid. The next was in March against Chelsea with a broken right biceps. The third, who played against Real Madrid in October, had a sprained right ankle. Finally, in November, against Saragossa, with a fracture of the fifth metatarsal of the left foot.

A year later, Argentina had two during this season. One with his national team against Australia in September with a contracture at right hamstring. The second in December against Valencia was a break in the left femoral biceps.

From 2008 to 2010, he had only three injuries, one per year against Celtic, Bilbao and Atletico Madrid, with femoral biceps rupture, muscle contracture in the left adductor and sprained ligaments of the right ankle respectively. He barely suffered from a left knee injury in 2012.

2013 was not Lio's year with four femoral leg biceps injuries. The first two were on his right leg. The third against Atletico Madrid in the left leg and finally the last two repeated this injury to the right leg.

Finally, in 2014, he suffered an overload of adductor on Villarreal. In 2015 and perhaps the most serious was against Las Palmas with a ligament torn to the left knee. And the last one recently suffered against Seville, where his right arm was injured.

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