Live broadcast of Cristiano Ronaldo's presentation with Juventus: time and where to see


Turin, Italy

Portuguese Cristiano Ronaldo arrived Sunday at the airport of Turin Caselle and will pbad the medical examination before the formalization of his signature for Juventus of Real Madrid after which he will be introduced as a new player of Juventus.

Cristiano Ronaldo landed in Caselle shortly after 5:30 pm aboard his private plane, in which he traveled with his girlfriend Georgina Rodríguez as reported by Juventus on his twitter account.

The Portuguese, which cost 112 million euros to Juventus of Turin will go through the medical examination J Medical, the clinic owned by the Turin club, and formalize a contract four years which will rise to around 31 million net euros per season.

Pbad the morning medical exams icos, Cristiano Ronaldo will offer his first press conference as a player of the Juventus of Turin, in an event held in the hall Gianni and Umberto Agnelli stadium Allianz.


The Act of Presentation of Cristiano Ronaldo as a New Player of the Juventus is this Monday, July 16 from 9:30 Honduran time in an in camera trial at the Juventus stadium.

Early reports indicated that the event was an open door, with a Bianconero stadium presenting a spectacular entrance to see the first moments of the current Golden Ball with the jersey of Juventus , but ultimately, according to La Gazzetta dello Sport, the act will be very formal.

Although it has not been officially announced, Juventus will broadcast the event live social networks: both in its official Twitter profile (@juventusfc) as on its official Facebook page ( @juventuses), which can be followed anywhere in the world.


The arrival of the Portuguese star triggered the euphoria of Turin fans, who filled the club's official stores for days to buy the number 7 Portuguese shirt.

The great demand for elastic even provoked the digital store of Juventus Turin was out of service during the first successive hours at the announcement of the signing of Cristiano Ronaldo.

The Portuguese player left Real Madrid after nine years in which he won 16 trophies, including five leagues of champions, and scored 451 goals in 438 games.

Monday, the Portuguese striker who got four Champions with Real Madrid, arrives in his fourth team, before being at Sporting Lisbon and Manchester Unietd

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