Lovato half interned for a heroin overdose


The singer Demi Lovato was admitted to a clinic in Los Angeles as a result of an alleged heroin overdose, according to the TMZ publication.

According to the version known for its exclusivities on show subjects -, the singer was moved from her home before Tuesday Tuesday and is being processed

According to sources cited by NBC, Lovato was taken to Cedars Sinai Medical Center in the city of Los Angeles.

For the moment, there are no reports on your state of health.

The American singer has for years been dealing with drug addiction mainly cocaine, and the abuse of alcohol, for which she has been admitted on other occasions [19659006]. the singer herself – she had not taken any drugs for six years. Even last June, he published a song called "Sober", in which he asked his parents' pardon "for drinks spilled on the floor" . they have abandoned me: we have already crossed this path, I am sorry, I am no longer sober (…) I want to be a vital model but I am only human … Sorry to be still there, I promise I'm sorry for myself " They say some of the verses of the emotional subject.

With that, the interpreter of" Cool for the l & # 39; 39; summer "also had to deal with a ] serious eating disorder such as bulimia . All these situations were explained by herself in a documentary that she has created last year on YouTube.

In March of this year, in fact, she confessed in the show "Dr. Phil's show" that she was thinking about suicide at an early age due to bullying at school that he received day-to-day . "The first time I had suicidal tendencies, it was when i was I was seven years old and I had this fascination for death, "said Lovato at that time

" What really hurt me, it's friends. the drama that the 12 year olds have in grade 7, the reaction was much more extreme than normal, they had a suicide request and they went to school and had people sign. I was cyber "They were making fun of my weight ," he said.

Demi Lovato had scheduled a new concert in Chile on Thursday, April 26 at the Movistar Arena, but it should have been postponed due to "production problems". The exhibition was postponed to 14 November at the same location .

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