Lucas Barrios after his presentation at Colo Colo: "I have no problem with Aníbal Mosa"


The great media unrest caused the return to the Monumental Stadium of the Argentine-Paraguayan striker, Lucas Barrios after leaving Colo Colo 9 years ago and making a long tour in Europe, Asia and South America. ] The press room of the enclosure was full and after the medical examinations carried out in the afternoon in the MEDS clinic and the signature of the federative papers, finally came on stage to wear the shirt Popular, as in the old Times

  Lucas Barrios Neighborhoods you finally saw dawn, for the delight of colocolino / Photosport

After the symbolic ceremony, Barrios said that "I realized a dream, I went to Borussia Dortmund, 2009, after a big campaign and back to the club where I lived a lot of joys and the feeling of people, is something d & # 39; 39. A dream is fulfilled for me and as I have always said, I owe a lot to Chilean football because it opened the doors cu I was a stranger and thanks to Chilean football and Colo Colo, I became known. "

The smile and the verse were on the lips of the forehead. As a fan of the albo, he followed the campaigns of Cacique and acknowledged that "I was very happy when the club qualified for the last 16 years." I was fortunate enough to play last year and become champion with Gremio.

He came in peace

Lucas was clear that the media posted to Macul were going to consult him about his failed arrival at Colo Colo, at the beginning of this season, where there were recriminations between him and Hannibal Meuse, when he was president of Black and White.However, the attacker was very cautious and showed harshness. [19659008] "At some point, I will meet Hannibal and we will talk, I do not feel anyone because the club is more important than a person, and what I can say is that it is nowadays. that the dream is fulfilled and I know what the fan values ​​me ", reflected.

The glorious pbad e albo with Barrios

The former Borussia Dortmund even recalled his previous campaigns with Colo Colo, where he is remembered for many key goals, such as his four goals for the U in the Superclasicos : two in the 2008 Clausura and another pair in the 2009 Apertura, in addition to another scary score at Ñublense in the 2008 Apertura, in the semifinal

  Lucas and Macnelly [19659003] Barrios wants to repeat the tandem with Macnelly, now with Valdivia / Photosport </span></div>
<p>  <strong> "With Macnelly (Torres) we made a very good pair and we were champions at that time and we helped a lot. to have these kind of players co We hope we are all 100% to achieve the goals in Colo Colo "</strong> Barrios finished. </p>
<p>  Now with the arrival of the Panther, he joins Valdivia, Valdes and Paredes. <strong> Four riders who intend to take Colo Colo to the high hills of football. </strong> </p>
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