Luis Suárez stops the "charrúa" Griezmann: "He does not know what is the Uruguayan sentiment"


The companion on all sides, the cumbia, the dulce de leche and the love for Peñarol. Typical elements of the Uruguayan culture that define the great star of France the striker Antoine Griezmann who with his teammates of the Blues will face Celeste in the final quarterfinals of Russia 2018 .

The striker who currently plays for Atlético Madrid has cultivated an attachment to Uruguayan culture alongside his evolution in football. In his debut in the Real Society, he became a member of the former U and UC Carlos Bueno and the hand of Martín Lasarte could begin at a professional level. Later, in his mattress stage, he became friends with Cebolla Rodríguez José María Giménez and Diego Godín .

  Griezmann with the shirt of Celeste together with his teammates at the Atletico Diego Godín and José María Giménez / Photo: Twitter Griezmann with the shirt of Celeste with his teammates at the Atletico Diego Godín and José María Giménez / Photo: Twitter

And even speaks like Uruguayan, however for Luis Suárez star of the team of Master Tabárez, that is not enough. The crack of Barcelona was brutal to rule out the charrúa condition the great reference of the French attack.

"As much as he tells himself that he is Uruguayan, he is French and he does not know what it is Uruguayan sentiment, he does not know how to indulge in football with the little that we are he will have his way of speaking Uruguayan, but we feel differently, "Luisito said.

Griezmann himself, in the overview of the clash between France and Uruguay for the quarter-finals of Russia 2018, said that " I have something Uruguayan, like their style of play in which they team, they never give up and help their peers C & # 39; a nationality that I adore and a country that I adore. "

" It's going to be special and very emotionally strong but I have confidence to make a good match " , added the player who rejected a juicy offer to join Barcelona after the World Cup

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