Luka Modric: "I think Cristiano Ronaldo will stay at Real Madrid"


The midfielder, who will play the semi-finals of the World Cup with Croatia, is clear that he does not imagine the Portuguese star "in any other team"

Probable departure of Cristiano Ronaldo from Real Madrid to Juventus. is the most discussed theme of recent days with all that is happening at the 2018 World Cup in Russia.

Neither Ronaldo nor Messi … the best player in the world today is Modric

Precisely Croatia Luka Modric has qualified this Saturday for the semifinals of the tournament after eliminating the hosts of the shooting session after a draw for two.

Real Madrid midfielder, interviewed in a mixed zone for the possible progress of the Portuguese star, showed he has no other thought than the continuity of the before.

"I do not think he's leaving, I'd like him to stay at Real Madrid because he's the best player in the world for us, but we'll see what will happen, "said the Croatian.

"My opinion is that I think that he will stay at Real Madrid, I can not imagine him in any other team than Real Madrid," he continued after

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