Maas' strategy to reposition itself to Colo Colo


The public appearance of Aníbal Mosa last week, with an insert included in a national media, is not a coincidence. It is the action of a new strategy that prepares the former black and white boss to position himself as a positive actor in this direct conflict of Colo Colo . few weeks to Imaginacción, a well-known consultant – with more than 20 years of experience – to advise him in this process who seeks, mainly, his return to the presidency.

The key, they say near Mosa, is to ask for more transparency in the dealership's management, as he believes that Gabriel Ruiz-Tagle is seeking to reduce the Colo Colo Social and Sports Club to get complete control. "There are things that are not clear," they say.

Just in that same line were all the answers from the former president since the council meeting ended last week. That same day, indeed, delivered a letter to those present to broadcast and reach both fans and minority shareholders.

The role of Imaginacción

This consultant was founded in 1996 by Enrique Correa, opposing the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet and former minister of state in the government of Patricio Aylwin. What is the function of the company? "Our proposal is to define where in public conversations we want to be to improve the image and reputation of our customers ," they explain on their website.

Crisis management is their greatest experience. In recent days, it has even been announced that they have closed contracts with Nicolás López and Herval Abreu, accused of badual harbadment and abuse.

This is not the first time that Imaginacción is included in the Colo Colo-related cases. The year 2015 had already advised Black and White when Anibal Maas himself was president

  Escudo / Bandera Colo Colo

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