Macarena Tondreau recounted how she had been told that she was not at TVN


The former panelist of "Good morning", Macarena Tondreau returned to the screen after the departure of TVN after the defense to torture suffered by the two alleged killers of Margarita Ancacoy in the District of the Republic

In the program "Siguemos de largo", on Channel 13, Tondreau said that he did not regret his words. "I thought a lot before saying it, I regret not feeling it ," he commented at the end of the year.

Upon his departure, Tondreau stated, "I think that if it was not renewed, to be very honest, it happens everywhere, my problem is not that the contract did not was renewed, but the way it was done . "

" I was in the morning for almost nine years and Sunday night, I was called for myself to say that it was not Monday, to "take care of yourself so that you could take care of yourself." I told them what happened, explain me? " says in "Let's Go Long" [.]

After the same thing happened Monday for Tuesday via WhatsApp, until he meets Pablo Manríquez, editor in chief of the company. space, which announced that his contract would not be renewed .

"In the background there are always bosses, who are the director, the journalistic editor … these are they make the decisions, the others that we badume, what happens in all the teams just and you have to take and support your colleagues who leave or who are in trouble, "revealed in the night space.

Asked by Marcos Silva when he felt that he was paying for the broken plates, Tondreau said that " yes, I think that there is a team error , for me, there was no mistake in what was raised in the panel, a discussion was necessary but if at the level of the channel or the program they realize that it is was a mistake to talk about how the subject was discussed, there is an error. "

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