Maisie Williams of GoT is fired


Mexico City- Maisie Williams, actress who plays Arya Stark in "Game Of Thrones", published a photograph on Instagram with which she said goodbye to the series and her character

. Appear Williams' feet with black pants and white sneakers with red spots, mimicking the blood, which already has over a million 300,000 "likes"

"Goodbye Belfast (Capital of Northern Ireland) Goodbye Arya … Goodbye Game of Thrones, how happy I felt, here for the adventures that come," writes Williams.

With the so-called hashtags, the actress has caused a stir in the networks, as many believe that she gives clues about the end of the "

" The last woman standing, barely I'm going to sleep for four years, I'm laughing, I'm not sleeping, "Williams wrote with hashtags.

Emilia Clarke, who plays Daenerys Targaryen "The Mother of the Dragons", said goodbye on June 17 of the series, also with a photograph on Instagram.

"I jumped on a boat for an island to say goodbye to the land that has been my home away from home for almost a decade." It was a Game Of Thrones trip , thank you for the life I never imagined I could live and the family I will never miss, "was the message Clarke was accompanying the photo.

In an interview with Vanity Fair, Emilia Clarke was about to give details about the end of her character, but the representatives prevented her, the only thing known is that the final scenes of Daenerys were strong, at least for Clarke.

He messed up, "he told the magazine," knowing that this is going to be the taste of the mouth that remains after what Daenerys did … "

Season eight will be the last in the HBO series and will be premiere in April 2019.

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