Manny Pacquiao has not yet coped with the machine: Lucas Matthysse


The Argentine said he was ready to face the Filipino next Sunday in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Malaysia (AFP) –

The Argentine Lucas Matthysse champion Welter World Boxing Association (WBA) and who will face next Sunday against Manny Pacquiao noted that the Filipino "is a great champion but has not yet faced the machine."

"If you decide to withdraw after its expiration, it will be your decision, I am here to defend my title," added the Argentine at a press conference

Pacquiao, who will be 40 years old in December, does not rise at all since he lost to the Australian Jeff Horn for the welter belt of the World Boxing Organization (OMB), July 2, 2017. He is the only boxer in history to have had world titles in eight different weight clbades.

Knockout Specialist, Matthysse (39 wins, 36 of the by KO, and four defeats) was hooked the world champion belt by the WBA in January, after having beat the Thai Teerachai Sithmorseng.

"I think both of us in the ring can make a good fight and the fans will like it," said the Filipino legend.

But Pacquiao's team is aware of the difficulty of the fight. " Matthysse is much better than Jeff Horn and hits a lot harder," said Justin Fortune, the Filipino's physical trainer.

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