Maradona, a life in the hands of God



In Culiacán, in Sinaloa, a crutch makes it possible to walk to Diego Armando Maradona, at 58 during which he always marched in defense, controversy and problems of all kinds. with the ball as a lawyer.

Her references make the Argentine star run to Mexico, where he celebrates his birthday, working, in a place where he feels happy, he projects it around him and in the general picture of the Ascent MX: four wins Over the course of the discussions, five of their last six encounters with Dorados with 18 points, in the Liguilla zone (7th).

I do not let myself be distracted, the only thing I think is Dorados, in the reinforcements we need and give him the glory. to all those people who come to encourage us to our court. Money, it's good, but the glory is priceless, "said Maradona.

Photo: @Dorados

The love that Diego feels for football is the rope that he guard the security They were 21 years spent to hit the ball with alegrías scattered through the fields of Argentina, Spain and Italy, mainly, but more particularly in Mexico where he conquered the world.

By his mistakes, El Pelusa looks over his shoulder, as when a defender came to him, he examined the ground and reviewed his decisions with the maturity given by the miles on the grbad and the insomnia of life.

Photo: Reuters

Sensato, prominent personality, but with the soul of a boy who plays at balloon in the paddock of Villa Fiorito, Diego Armando drags convinced words, take advantage of its luminosity to raise your voice x Your opinions will never go unnoticed, be it darts or apapaches, arguments or tantrums. When Maradona speaks, the ball stops.

Yesterday I looked 20 years old, but there are already 58. I have lived many times and other badly, but I can go out on the street with a high forehead. because I have not hurt anyone, "he said.

Photo: EFE

The only harm he did was himself, but God extended

I was 24 years old when I consumed "This is the biggest mistake of my life," he told the Italian network Mediaset. "I consider myself lucky to be able to speak. "If I had continued well, I would already be dead."

Photo courtesy of FC Barcelona

What Maradona realized as a footballer has not been accomplished by anyone either, Pelé is separated by the years, as now with Lionel Messi. in a country and made ju to his team, a group of wizards who followed the captain's wand.

Photo: Mexsport

In total, there were 692 official matches, 352 goals – 187 with left foot -, 10 titles, five-time scorer, a hand of God and a goal that paralyzed the world at 62 meters laps, 11 hits with left leg and six English defeated on the road. Which player missed the world?

Do you know which player would have been if I had not used cocaine? I have the bad taste of mouth that I could be better than me, "he confessed in the documentary" Maradona, por Kusturica & # 39; (2008). "They can tell me that I I am well or better, but no one is in me. I know my guilt. "

Photo: Mexsport

Nowadays, the heat of Sinaloa shelters El Diego of the fauces of the world.The Mexican soil continues to give satisfaction to him, beyond the press, the harbadment, the criticism His strengths are deposited in the team's pbadage, what I needed was not in Qatar, the United Arab Emirates or in Belarus.Mexico is the homeland of Maradona, where his health is a priority for "recovering lost time" as he declared on his arrival at the dorado bench .. So many gambeta, so many kicks. Love does not enter the chest Evidence suggests that God is not immortal And he knows it: "If my heart explodes to explode on a football pitch" [19659021] Photo: Mexsport


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