Maradona wants to be the DT ad honorem of Argentina


Argentine footballer Diego Maradona volunteered Tuesday to lead Lionel Messi's team for the elimination of Albiceleste in the Russia-2018 World Cup.

"I would redirect the team and I would do it" I would not ask for anything in return, "he said in his program" De la mano del Diez "for the Venezuelan channel Telesur.

Maradona's statements come when the storm does not stop in Argentina due to the elimination in the second round.The failure that put coach Jorge Sampaoli against the ropes.

Sampaoli is four years ahead of the contract and has already announced that he does not consider resigning, while the dismissal involves a million-dollar compensation for the finances of the Argentine federation.

Maradona stands he says shot down by the wrong time of the albiceleste.

"I would like God to give me the strength to go back into a field.The years and the life are coming for everyone.He catches me with 57, looking at my team, who is beaten by a team that is not one of the best of the championship Maradona, world champion in 1986 and finalist in 1990, led the Argentine national team between 2008 and 2010 when he took her to the World Cup. of South Africa after a scary qualification to eliminate by Germany in the quarterfinals.

© Agence France-Presse

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