Marathon Music Diversity – Printed Edition


Enthusiastic bands, an enlightened audience and a range of musical styles that rock is the backbone are the condiments that made the first edition of the Cosquín Rock festival a remarkable event. Thousands of people gathered in the Idesa area last Saturday, culminating with high energies at the very beginning of the day yesterday.

After the presentations of Skay, Los Fakires and El Chapulín Solo (Manu Chao), the Argentine Andrés Ciro Martínez, who was the lead singer of Los Piojos, with his current group, Ciro and Los Persas. The captivated musician gave free rein to his big crazy singer pasta, making sing and jump to the public, while alternating guitar, harmonica, tambourine or maracas. His repertoire includes themes from Los Liojos such as "Verano del 92", "El Spa de los Drugs Crotos" and "Muevelo", and his current conformation, which turns out to be a very lively and impeccably badembled group.

Another group C was very popular, then, from Argentinian Las Pelotas, who singer and guitarist Germán Daffunchio, former member of the group extinguished Sumo. "Personally", "If you knew", "It's going to be", and many other themes came from the hands of this group that happened in our country for the first time, showing a powerful sound. Germán was always thanking people who were clapping, jumping and singing all the time.

A very energetic performance was presented by Revolber, who said goodbye to the scene after a 20-year career. This performance was only the last one in Asunción and the audience greeted them with euphoria. The group invented everything and gave a performance at the height of the international. Singer Patrick Altamirano emphasized the importance of these festivals which also give the opportunity to emerging groups; "There was once the opportunity that was given to us," he exclaimed.

Already in the early hours of yesterday, the Uruguayans of La Vela Puerca have indulged their audience in a faithful and very simple way. It's the awesome delirium that wakes up the band every time it happens, as people sport their flags and their tasks from the beginning to the end of their songs such as "Full of Magic", "Tie", "Zafar", among others. They put an end to an event that will undoubtedly be unforgettable for those who have lived it, because it will be marked the day when, for the first time, artists came to the country whose creations have shaped a part from the history of Latin rock, such is the case of Skay Beilinson (eg Los Redonditos), Manu Chao and Las Pelotas. In addition, the good thing is that they continue to create.

The festival also had the presence of Kchiporros, who in the mission to extend their sounds migrate to rhythms such as reggae, ska and pop rock. Although many opposed their presence at this festival, they were well received and marked the diversity of the event, as well as other proposals on stage: "Argentina" with Antenna, Mauricio and Las Cigarras, Los Tempranos. , EEEKS and others.

In general, the festival had a proper organization. One thing to object, the lack of adequate space for journalists and photographers could send notes and photographs. A place like this is necessary because it is an event of such magnitude, so the batteries are exhausted and the signal is not the best, which complicates the job.

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