Marcela Aranda asks CNTV to sanction "Red": "Normalizes the behaviors that damage the spirits and spirituality of our children"


The leader of the "Freedom Bus" homophobic and transphobic, Marcela Aranda, called on his followers of social networks to denounce in front of the National Council of Television the show "Red , Fame against Fame "of TVN for exposing" affectionate displays between people of the same bad ", after the show showed a kiss between the couple formed by the dancer Hernán Arcil and the singer Andrei Hadler . CNTV receives complaints and every time we talk on TV or people present a different position to the lobby of badual diversity and ideology of the kind, they send 500, 600 or 1000 complaints by their page online, by phone or by letter to the CNTV, "part Aranda in his video, which has been shared more than 1500 times and has almost 73,000 reproductions.

" We must exercise our rights as parents, grandparents , students, my more and the citizens of Chile to take action by failing the program "Red, Fame against Fame" that shows at times of weaker signs of affection between people of the same bad ", continues the spokesman of the" Bus of freedom. He adds, "There are children in formation and it is the normalization of behaviors that are not normal, and that damage the spirit and spirituality of our children."

Aranda Proposes "show our point of view" "The separation of Ilgesia and the state does not say that we can not express a morality, a behavior. In fact, everyone does it, including them [en referencia a los activistas a favor de los derechos de la diversidad badual]. "For her," prioritizing one [postura] against another is against fairness "and that's why she ends up claiming that, in the claims before the CNTV, citizens" could even appeal to the law of arbitrary discrimination, our freedom of conscience, morality and good manners which are still legislated in Chile.

Finally, Marcela Aranda encourages her followers to write to submit to the agency a formal complaint: "Tweet what you want, but makes an official complaint on page about the program because it must be sanctioned, "he concludes.

Aranda's message has been circulating on Facebook for two weeks, with a text that also states that "We do not need to go to the pulse of minority morality, less funded by the Money of all Chileans. " And it closes: "TVN receives public funds. Millions of pesos and they are not to expose behaviors that violate the harmonious and healthy psychobadual development of Chilean children . violated with these images and deserve respect. "

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