Marcelo Mellado's stories about a provincial hero


It's Thursday and Marcelo Mellado (63) arrived a few hours ago in Santiago de Valparaíso. Move a backpack and a suitcase with wheels. He just saw a football match in a soda fountain and was delighted: Argentina was beaten by Croatia, 3-0

"I appreciate this case although it is not correct, "he says pleasantly and seriously. Chilean writer born in Concepción, in 1955, who immediately indicates with a baggage in his hand: "I must come and find a ticket for Santiago or the surroundings of Valparaíso; Villa Alemana, Quilpué, Casablanca or San Antonio … But I do not have such a bad time, I'm a good loser, at least a productive loser, "he says sitting at the GAM's cafe.

A few days ago, at the Cultural Center Library located in Alameda, he presented his latest book of stories, Madariaga et al., Published by Random House Literature.

The Madariaga character, inspired by a taxi driver from the port of San Antonio, "is a fervent critic of municipal work. (…) He feels that the evil system has broken the soul of his people, because he controls it and takes away its autonomy, "reads the first volume, Madariaga and the PC. The beloved driver, who will work as a detective and some cases to resolve, granted by his party, should follow in the footsteps of an advisor nicknamed "Face of Viaticum".

After the 1973 military coup, Madariaga was arrested in Green Tiles. He lives in Barrancas, drives a car from the 80's Lada and his business card says: "There are a lot of bands, Madariaga there is only one."

"In the end, when he made these cards, he was ahead of Uber". "With Madariaga we were doing a story together, once I had written about him at the Clinic, and he was with the newspaper in the car, where sometimes I went with him … Then I l? I lost sight of it, but Madariaga arrived at the launch of the book He intervened in the presentation It was as if I had hired an actor He is a living legacy and built from there possible territorialities, "adds the author of novels La provincia (2001), Tapia Report (2004) and La hediondez (2011).

Last year Mellado published the novel Monroe." The fiction is more interesting, the test has already failed, "he laughs." The social sciences have failed. The same I like the development of ideas. I am a Borges adopted by the municipality, "he adds

Mellado currently lives on the Bellavista hill of the port." I love my hill, but Valparaiso is a failed, fun and pathetic city, "says and he shows a picture of his mobile phone, where a man appears eating a raw horse leg in the sunrise of Buenos Aires. "This photo was taken by Vicho," says restaurant owner El Pimentón. Mistake is to consider Valparaíso as a model of cultural development, "he says referring to the conflict that took place at the Cultural Park of Valparaíso, paralyzed 28 days ago by his workers." 19659002 "This place should become a botanical park.It would be interesting, for example, to have blackberries, fruit trees and make a route connected to the fifth coast.As a field of artistic production, it is better that they destroy, "proposes Mellado and believes that at the port "there are more cultural organizations than people".

On the municipality headed by Jorge Sharp, he adds: "It's a political sham. The important thing is that he did not leave Mayor DJ Méndez or Jorge Castro … although Sharp is allied with those who supported DJ Méndez! Right now, Sharp is Mayor of the Concertación. Not even the New Majority, but the Concertación and it's very sad. "

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