Marco Casali goes out to dominate the Crossfit Games


The athlete will attempt to win in Wisconsin, United States, the third place he held at the last edition. "I know I can win," he says. He will have to overcome competitors from around the world to achieve the goal.

He trains 5 hours a day, with a program in the United States, led by a private coach and completed with kinesiology, chiropractic and mbadage sessions. "For this version I have prepared the triple to go win.I think about this competition for a whole year, so I hope to meet the expectations that I bring to the United States," he says.

The competition will involve 400 athletes from different countries, who will try to win medals in the exhausting four days during which the event will take place. "Over the past two years, the sport has changed. Now, they are measuring us in another way, in the way we swim, we run, which generates a more complete athlete profile, "Casali adds.

However, these modifications are not suitable for the best Chilean exponent of the specialty. "It does not favor me because I am a more powerful person, so I had to change my training." Last year, he took me by surprise, but now I am more prepared, so I hope for a better result.My goal is to get on the podium again, "concludes

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