Margot Robbie reveals that Birds of Prey will begin production in January


The actress who plays Harley Quinn mentions that the film will have a budget much lower than usual

Everything seems to indicate that Birds of Prey will be the next DC movie for begin production after Wonder Woman 1984.

Although there have already been rumors that the film would start shooting in 2019, Margot Robbie would have confirmed ( via ComicBook) that the production will begin in January.

Actress who plays Harley Quinn also commented that Birds of Prey will be different from other DC movies where his character appears (until now only Suicide Squad) because he will have an R rating and will have a budget much smaller than usual. [19659003] In case you do not know it, Birds of Prey will be a spin-off centered on the DC Comics female characters with Harley Quinn as the only confirmed one so far, but according to rumors too We'll see Batgirl, Black Canary and even Huntress

Whatever the case may be, we hope more details will be revealed later this month on the DC Films panel in San Diego Comic-Con.

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