Mario Kreutzberger: "Take a share to say" mijita ", we went to the other side"


Mario Kreutzberger joined the discussion on the rise of the feminist movement in Chile, especially after the multiple complaints of badual harbadment on Chilean television.

In an interview with La Tercera, the facilitator acknowledged that "d ] For a long time, women were used and abused and it seems to me very well that women have the status that they have. They must have, just like men. "

However, she pointed out that – in her judgment:" In these processes, things happen from one side to the other. Because gets a share of someone to say "mijita, continue to eat salad", it seems to me that we went to the other side . "

" I am a man, you are a woman, and these two different kinds. Of course, that does not mean that I offend you, and I have to use my power over you, or something like that. I think the changes that are going on are very good, but that requires balance, and that balance comes with time. "

He also acknowledged that on the giant Saturday, there were dubious situations." If you see one of my programs 30 years ago, it's something else. And not only with regard to women, also with regard to jokes, compared to everything. The world has changed ", he concluded.

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