Marisela Santibáñez remembers her dead daughter with a message


The former filmmaker shared her feelings on social networks.

June 28, 2011 will be a day that Marisela Santibáñez will never forget, because after a long fight against leukemia, her 7-year-old daughter Rafaela pbaded away.

This Thursday marks the 7th anniversary of his departure. the current member of the Progressive Party used his social networks to give him a meaning message.

"Many times I am immobilized .. The memory is not enough for me, I do not hold you in my arms … I decide to overcome the pain, courageous my mother I still do not succeed, my life will miss him so much, "he says on his Twitter account

I'll be strong for Rafaela
I'll always be strong for Rafaela
It was a battle of more than forty days that only allows me more to be strong A fighter
"God came out into the garden, chose a flower and that flower called Rafaela" … kisses and hugs in paradise [19659006] – Marisela Santibáñez Novoa (@mariseka) June 28, 2018

The former TV host also used Instagram to share her pain. "June 28 … Today is the 7th anniversary of your departure, every second is lived in the same way … Light a candle, pray if you believe, pray, ch antez, celebrate … Raise your arms to the sky and tell him I love him. "19659008]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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