Marvel: New images from the movie & # 39; Venom & # 39; are disclosed | Tom Hardy | Spiderman |


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In the latest disclosed footage of the upcoming Marvel Universe movie, we can see the protagonist, Eddie Brock played by the famous Tom Hardy (The Reborn) and his alter ego, the called symbiote Venom . In the photos, we can see the style that will have the anti-hero, the two personalities.

In the first image shared by Entertainment Weekly is Eddie Brock, held in a chair, in what appears to be a question, probably for an event that involves the virus. While in the second picture we can see the protagonist giving the control to the symbiote, turning into the monster that everyone is afraid of.

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The director, Ruben Fleischer revealed that this film will have a darker tone unlike the rest of the films of the Marvel universe, to the point of approaching a movie. horror. This band will mark the transition of a person who, infected with a foreign virus, will change both his physique and his personality

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Another ad is the non-presence of the superhero Spiderman, rival of Venom this reason would be to give more attention to the monster and focus the link between the journalist and the symbiote. Nor is it ruled out that this is the beginning of a nasty franchise, separate from the rest of the Marvel movie.


Venom will be released in cinemas on October 5th.




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