Marvel Studios confirms that Doctor Strange will have a sequel


Kevin Feige, president of Marvel Studios, confirmed in an interview that " Dr. Strange " will have a sequel.

The executive badured, in Cinema Blend, that "when we do another film of" Dr. Strange ", that we are going to do, there will be several years since the first Strange and still that's a big part of 'Infinity War'.

The first film directed by Scott Derrickson was created in 2016 and recently the character of Benedict Cumberbatch participated in " Avengers: The Infinite War ."

Feige added that " is a problem of having so many loved characters that the people want to see more but we keep our central idea and we must continue to explore different nuances and continue to do different things ":

of the fourth phase of his film universe Marvel which has already confirmed the deliveries of " Spider-Man: Away From Home " and " Guardians of the Galaxy: Vol 3 ]

On dates, official information is not yet processed, but there is already speculation about the future of Dr. Strange in "Avengers: Infinity War 2"

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