Marvel Studios Director Gives Good News on Dr. Strange | Marvel | War in the infinite | Cine-series


It is already known to all that although several film-related actors contracts related to Marvel's film universe will expire after the end of phase 3. The films will continue, and recently it has been confirmed that the One of them, as the Doctor Strange will have a sequel

This could be known, thanks to an interview that was made to the president of Marvel Studios Kevin Feige where he confirmed that the "Supreme Sorcerer", Doctor Strange, will have a new band, to the delight of his fans.

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Recall that the first opus The Doctor Strange was released in 2016 and very recently we saw him in 'Avengers: Infinity War', where he not only revealed that they were going to defeat Thanos in one of the 14 million of the future you see, C was also one of the characters that disappeared after the click.

"Sometimes you have to know where these characters come in, every time we do another Dr. Strange movie that we'll do, they'll have It's been several years since the first Strange, and even then , it's a big part of Infinity War "said Feige.

On the other hand, the director admitted that "it's a problem to have so many loved characters." People want to see more, but we maintain our central idea that we need to continue to explore different nuances and continue to do different things. "

Recall that Dr. Strange with Benedict Cumberbatch, was established in November 2016 and the same, was directed by Scott Derrickson.

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