Mascherano says goodbye to the Argentine team • El Nuevo Diario


Javier Mascherano played his fourth world cup in Russia. 34 years old has just turned. After a sad period of Albiceleste, marked by poor results, painful defeats in the final and changes of coaches that culminated this Saturday with the defeat against France in the second round of Russia-2018 (4 -3), the & # 39; Little Boss & # 39; has said enough goodbye to the selection.

"It's time to say goodbye, from now on I wish all the children who follow can achieve what was wanted, the illusion is broken," said Mascherano, visibly moved, to the Argentine chain TyC, at the end of the match.

Mascherano ends with 147 international matches, having faced Iceland (1-1), in the World Premiere, would have surpbaded Javier Zanetti's international record.

A squadron that had a unique talent like Lionel Messi, was looking at Mascherano in unison looking for directions. He has placed, placed and ordered to his clbadmates with leadership who only allow age, titles and an overwhelming personality.

So he did it again this Saturday. Despite the fact that the physicist could no longer contain the devilish speed of French attackers, he was one of the few to win a duel against the Blues.

When everyone looked at the field in the final defeat of Germany in Brazil … 2014, or in the America's Cup 2015 and 2016 against Chile, the former Barcelona player, now in the ranks of Hebei China Fortune, has raised minds and spirits.

With the serenity of past glory. With the mirrors of Diego Simeone and Diego Maradona. With confidence in future titles that have never come.

"To win is happiness, but you also have to accept that you do not always win.The normal thing is to lose, to win is a circumstance", said in the past the one who counts in his palmares with two leagues of champions, two Olympic gold medals, five leagues of Spain and four Copas del Rey

"It's time to encourage that guys keep trying. Surely sooner or later they will be donated.I hope that beyond all this continues to insist.Is what life is about to insist, " he said.

Even at the time of the farewell, he could not help but continue to give wise advice, becoming the voice of Argentina. [ad_2]
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