Matías Dituro says that against Antofagasta "we play a lot of what is left of the tournament"


Universidad Católica goalkeeper Matías Dituro badured that Sunday's game against Deportes Antofagasta "will be an important match" in search of the title of the 2019 Scotiabank Championship.

losing a clbadic, with the opportunity to stretch a large advantage, hurts. This has not been possible and the locker room has experienced people who know that you have to get up quickly. "

At the match at the Calvo & Bascuñan stadium, the Argentine goalkeeper said that he" was a rival and direct visitor. With so few final dates, you must continue to hold the advantage with the pursuers. We play a lot of the rest of the tournament. I do not know if the title, but it will be an important match. "

Regarding the referral of Venezuelan Eduard Bello to the Pumas, he said that Bello" is the team's top scorer, but I think they have a great team to replace him . I think that's the reason they are fighting for the title. "

He also defended the sports director Cruzados SADP, José María Buljubasich, in front of rumors of a cold relationship with his coach Beñat San José, stating that" Tati travels for all matches with us, is in the locker room with us, with the coaching staff … That they want to look for something where there is, it does not add us, it does not interest us. Tati is always with us, that's what I see. "

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