Mauro Zarate broke the silence between tears


The attacker said his reasons that led him to leave Velez: "The decision I took is only sports," said the player

  Mauro Zárate broke the silence in tears

Mauro Zárate told his reasons that led Leave Vélez / TV Image

Much has been said this week about the famous pbad from Mauro Zárate to Boca, which led to the burning of the jersey of Vélez by fans; from the removal of a mural with the face of the front at the entrance of the stadium, and the explosive statements of his brothers, speaking of "family treason."

However, Mauro Zárate himself, the main protagonist of this odyssey He broke the silence yesterday between tears and argued his reasons that led him to leave Vélez.

"I made the decision only for the sport and the challenge of playing in a club like Boca and enjoying the last few years of my career." He added, "I did not think that I'm going to do anything. would have so much anger on the part of people, making so many threats or insults … Yes, I understand. Now, it will take a while for everything to happen and rebadure my wife and children. "

At a conference given at a cable TV show, Zarate said that" it hurts to forget what we did. I missed my word and it hurts because speech is very important. "

" My brothers have nothing to do with that. I agreed to leave and I did not agree with the decision I was going to make. That's one of my subjects, a decision I took myself, talking to my wife. I do not know why Rapisarda (president of Vélez) said that they had promised to go to the national team. Yes, we are talking about the fight against the cup and the championship and that brings you to have more things in mind than in the other clubs if you have good performances. The sentences that have been said are not true. "

later he added that" he hurt me what Chilavert said because he is the idol of all fans of Velez. "

" Stop being a club idol that I'm a fan of one of the things I was going to lose. It's very hard. My friends? I have the impression of having disappointed them too. Gathering everyone and seeing their faces was not easy. My nephew was present and through the tears he could not speak. With Gaby (Heinze), everything was fine. "

He also said," I always want to do things right, but I have never wanted to. As I have a plus for what will play. I think the anger of the fans would have been the same if I went to Racing but it is useless to talk about something that did not happen. "


Sergio Rapisarda, leader of the" Fortín "" He was very hard with the attacker for having missed his word. And he revealed the reasons that would have led Zárate to give up the proposal of Vélez.

"Mauro told me that he was going to Boca because he had been promised the national team.While we had settled everything ten days ago, doubts were started with a verbal promise, that's what Mauro told me, along with the national team, something that even costs me to say it. "


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