Mayer defeated Kovalik and set the tournament against Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili


  Mayer has defeated Kovalik and will set the tournament against Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili

Correntino Leo Mayer will look for his third title in Hamburg / AP

Correntino Leonardo Mayer defeated Slovak Jozek Kovalik 6-7 (6 / 8), 6-4, 7-6 (9/7) in one of the semifinals of the ATP 500 Hamburg and will define the final of a tournament that brings back good memories , from 10 am, in front of the Georgian Nikoloz Basilashvili, number 81 of the world ranking.

In just over three hours of play, the Argentinian, 36th on the scale, manages to leave behind a rival who will give him a tough battle and will try to raise again the trophy 2014 and 2017)


The first round was a match from start to finish. None had the opportunity to break the service and Mayer reached the deciding instance with a set point in favor of the tie break (6-5). In the second, the Corrientes showed that he was full: he fought in Kovalik's service game and got the break that marked the differences until the end of the game. Partial advantage allowed him to be more conservative in his shots, and as his winning shots fell, so did the amount of non-forced mistakes, something vital in his aspirations. With a 5-4 advantage and serve in his favor, he started the tenth game 0-30. However, the one born in May 1987, corrected the course and, after a reverse reverse to the right of the Slovakian, put the final plate at the set: 6-4.

In the third, and with the score fully matched (4 -4 and 40 equal), a long straight Kovalik gave the first chance to break the correntino in the partial, but in the next point Leo's right s & # He moved away and the game was in the hands of his rival. The tie-break started 2-0 for the Slovak. Then the Yacaré went to the front 4-2, but the European recovered and with Mayer's right who stayed in the net had a chance to win the match: 6-5 and serve. However, the correntino escaped with a deep return on the back of his rival, who arrived uncomfortably and left the ball on the net. Thus came the first match point of Corrientes with his favor, but failed with a weak right, no weight, and returned to remain the same (7-7). At the next point, Mayer did not hesitate: ace and second match point, but at the service of his rival. He returned deeply to Kovalic's back, then nudged him with a good drop, covered well the court and set on the net with all the court at his disposal.


"Thanks for the way we traveled together," Delbonis wrote on his Twitter. Pella, meanwhile, shot: "They do not deserve this end". Mayer, for his part, has published: "UNIÓN + RESPETO = CAPITAN". All this in connection with the decision of the new authorities to grant the Davis Cup captaincy to the trinomial Coria-Gaudio-Cañas.

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