Mayol the stunning, free fall against the director of the INDH: "I have not heard of minors who were in cars and can not study"


Far from returning silently in the world of agriculture, his former mayor of Araucania, Luis Mayol, continues to make statements interpreting the events that led him to leave office . When President Piñera visited the region last Friday, he was waiting at the airport and granted a detailed interview to El Mercurio over the weekend. Today, he has spoken to the press again.

Mayol claimed that he felt the scapegoat for the crisis in the region, caused by the murder of Camilo Catrillanca

"I was taken as a scapegoat, both by journalists politicians, "he told Radio Agricultura. And when they asked him if he felt betrayed by the government, he replied: "For the carabinieri, as an institution, I felt betrayed by the person who committed this crime and by his accomplices, but the rest of the institution performs his duties properly.Here, a general paid a colonel, "he said.

The former mayor had more critical remarks to the place of Consuelo Contreras, director of the Institute of Human Rights.

They were stolen from their cars, someone was worried about how they are going or what happened with these cars … Nobody cared about this? Nobody, this lady, this director of human rights is rightly worried, because it corresponds, traumatic consequences that the minor could have had for what happened, but I did not heard no word about the minors who were in these cars or the students of this school that the teacher said they could not study because they heard bullets every day, "he criticized.

Finally, he confirmed that he was considering running for the position of regional governor when the law authorizes this new election of the regional authorities. "This law is very bad and creates a position that creates many expectations, but has no power, so it needs to be changed," he said.



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