Mega clarifies the tongo course in Resistiré


Mega's new reality, Resistiré, has not been on the market for a week and has already become one of the most discussed night group programs due to controversies that her participants organized.

But the latest scandal occurred outside confinement after Twitter began broadcasting an image that would show that confinement is only a tongo. .

In the photo you see the model Keyla Caputo and the actor Clovis Nienow lying, but what alerted the fans is that the side of the mattress they shared was a roll of toilet paper, which participants can not access if they pay, according to the logic of reality.

The alarm was quickly inflamed by netizens who blamed the image, as this comfort is not allowed and would constitute an "arrangement" of the program.

In MEGA's Reality, They Accuse themselves, @Mega RealityCL #realitymega #ResistireMega [19659002] – Roberto Mancilla L (@ro_mancilla) [20mars2019[209010] the hubbub of Mega clarified the situation and they indicated that the participants were stealing items from the infirmary because of their desperation at the conditions in which they were there.

But what the candidates do not know Will this ant robbery have consequences in the future.

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