Meghan Markle broke his protocol and is linked to abortion in Ireland – 07/12/2018


The Duchess of Susbad, Meghan Markle, has been an official member of the British Royal Family for a short time and still has a lot to learn about protocol issues. Since she married Prince Harry, she has starred in several pearls, but this time she missed her political leanings: would have been in favor of the decriminalization of abortion in Ireland.

The son of Lady Di and her son Wednesday, December 24 (XINHUANET) – On Wednesday, they concluded their 24-hour visit to Ireland, the first they made to a foreign country since their wedding last May . There, they attended an exclusive dinner at the residence of the British ambbadador, Robin Barnett, where they discussed with various personalities of Irish society

  who arrived at a dinner at the residence of British Ambbadador (EFE)

Dinner at the residence of the British Ambbadador (EFE).

The controversy arose when MP Catherine Noone, who also attended the event, published in her social networks that she had talked with Meghan about abortion . In Ireland, at the end of May, we voted in favor of the reform of the Constitution in order to liberalize the current legislation on abortion, one of the most restrictive and controversial in Europe. , explained El Comercio

. About the referendum, was very interested and pleased with the result, "Noone wrote in a tweet, which he suppressed later. Later, he returned to write another similar one, but without the abortion party.

  The MP's tweet, which erased the soon after (screen capture).

The MP's tweet, which has erased in a short time (screenshot

However, Meghan Markle was not far from controversy as pro-abortion activist Vicky Phelan was also attending the event and declared in statements that they had returned the European press: "Meghan She followed my story and encouraged me to keep fighting."

To gain access to British royalty and "yes" to the second son of the heir to the throne, the actress had to learn the protocol and make some changes in her life: to delete your accounts in social networks to initiate the procedures to obtain British citizenship

Among the obligations that must be fulfilled, stresses that no member of the British royal family is allowed to speak of politics since the seventeenth century a protocol which has violated by taking a stand on abortion.

In May, 66.4% of the Irish voted in favor of the termination of the pregnancy compared to 33.6% who opposed it. The result was historic.

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