Meghan Markle had her first fashion brief on her official trip to Oceania


The Dukes of Susbad in Tonga Source: Reuters

A few days ago,

Meghan Markle
and the

Prince Harry
announced that they were waiting
his first son In a few hours, the Duke and Duchess of Susbad undertook a diplomatic tour of Oceania.
where they are fury. True to his fashionista style, the former protagonist of
Suits made thousands of sighs, but today, she made her first mistake.

When she got off a plane, she joined her husband in Tonga, Markle paraded on a red carpet wearing a dress of the same color. . However, appearances were diverted to the label affixed to the garment.

According to local media, the drawing of an intense red brand
The self-portrait is valued at US $ 444 and reflects the color of the Tongan flag. In addition, he was accompanied by a Christian Dior cover and some heels by Manolo Blahnik

  Meghan Markle's misstep upon his arrival in Tonga
Meghan Markle's misstep upon his arrival in Tonga Source: Reuters

Despite the strange
faux pas fashionable to leave the label on his clothing, the mother of 37 years seemed radiant with the dress.

His true greatness, Princess Angelika Latufuipeka, only daughter and eldest daughter of King Tupou VI and Queen Nanasipau 'u Tuku' ah welcomed them into the country

It is Dukes of Susbad Day 10 during their 16-day tour of Australia, Fiji, Tonga and New Zealand. 19659014] [ad_2]
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