Member of Much Taste is hospitalized with a strange illness


It all started when a hand fell asleep.

The Much Taste team received bad news when they learned that morning journalist and sub-editor Francisca Reyes was suffering from a strange illness.

In her social networks, the communicator badured that everything started when she fell asleep. when his right hand fell asleep, "then that was the face of the left side and then the whole right side of my body."

Some time ago, I started with a numbness in my right hand, "so that was the face on the left side and all the right side of my body."

Au early, he thought it was a picture of stress, but eventually he went to the doctor. "I was very scared because I thought it was a facial paralysis, but the neurologist told me that paralysis is visible on the face, but this numbness is not felt ", he commented in Las Últimas Noticias

. the journalist had demyelination a situation that frightened her because she thought she could have multiple sclerosis

"That changed my life as I knew that I did not have multiple sclerosis, it was a relief, I think what I have, I can bear it.Friday, they give me the results of the others exams and I hope that something is defined there. "

Just as I often share the good things that are happening in my life, today it is necessary to share what is less … tired, uncertain and above all, a lot of love! Some time ago, I started with a numbness in my right hand, then my left side and my right side of my body, and I ended up at the clinic with a diagnosis that seemed unhelpful. terrible in all my body … (I must admit that the physical pain was small next to the pain that gave me see my people suffer for me) Even the diagnosis is not clear, it can to be very simple or maybe not, but I am there face it, because I know that I have the main tool to do it, my love! Thank you to everyone who sent me a message of encouragement! I'm fine, already in the house and immensely grateful for life ? And you @pablo_ortiz_j that you have once again had to give up everything for me, just look at yourself and understand that I'm immensely lucky to have you, you tell me make you feel face to sea!

A publication shared by Francisca Reyes (@pancha_reyest) on

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