Mesut Özil resigned from the selection accusing the president of the federation of racism | Sports


A scandal shakes the German Football Federation (DFB). Midfielder Mesut Özil accused the president of the organic group, Reinhard Grindel, a former German MP of the conservative Christian Democratic Party (CDU) of discrimination and racism.

The 29-year-old Arsenal player published a letter in which he announces his retirement from the Mannschaft, "so long as he is treated with disrespect and racism." The footballer also criticizes the Teutonic press for discrimination because of its Turkish origins

The controversy erupted following criticism of an Özil photograph with the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdogan which was taken at an official event in Germany. The player accuses the DFB and the means of wanting to blame him for the elimination in Russia 2018.

The former world champion in Brazil 2014 points out that he was applauded when he won and was registered as a German, but now he is treated as a Turk by defeat The player reports that he and his family received threats even accusing German politicians who seek to accentuate hatred towards Muslims.

The last two weeks have given me time to think, and the time to think about the events of the last few months. Therefore, I want to share my thoughts and feelings about what happened.

– Mesut Özil (@ MesutOzil1088) July 22, 2018

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