Meuse defends Baeza for the gift of the shirt: "They can not restrict the freedom of a player with a fan"


The mood in Colo Colo is not the best. Despite having won last weekend at Union La Calera by 2 to 1, the albos are in the middle of the controversy for a penalty of 10 points, among other fines, that could fall for a shirt that would have given Claudio Baeza to a member of the Garra Blanca for carrying out, going against the ANFP regulation that forbids any member of a club to have a link or financial badistance with the bars.

Hannibal Meuse member of the football commission and member of the board of directors of Black and White, the punishment would have no support. "The trick that is doomed is to give help to a bar and we can not know if a fan is bar or not ," said the former president of the dealer at the end of a meeting of the board of directors. "I know the subject and I understand that a lot of players give t-shirts to many fans, but that does not mean that it's directly at the helm." If it's for a bingo, they are given to many institutions "added Mosa, who also pointed out that" what I think he's done is what all players who give a shirt or autograph to fans do. "

For the former Cacique helmsman" there are not enough arguments "to punish Colo Colo, besides" they (the ANFP) can not restrict the freedom of a player with a fan Colo Colo is a social team and we always give things to institutions. "

Retirement depends on Fierro

Another problem that is At the board meeting, the contract was renewed for players who end their relationship at the end of the year, with Gonzalo Fierro being One of them.The multi-historical champion with the albos is a case " rather special ," said Mosa, while " Agustín (Orión) is the undisputed holder and Julio (Barroso) is an important player "

" You must talk to Gonzalo (Fierro) to see if he wants to continue or if he wants to find a way out ", said Mosa, adding that he is open to "whatever the recognition for him and there is to listen if he wants to continue or feels more useful in another team where he could be a starter . "

Finally, another point that was discussed at the board meeting was the price of tickets, where Mosa pointed out that it was made" a point of attention in which the prices are not increased ", since" I do not agree that the tickets for the Copa Libertadores and the National Championship are increased ".

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