Mon Laferte calls the Chilean President unaware


of: Notimex – October 26, 2018, 7:45 pm

Santiago, (Notimex) .- The Chilean singer based in Mexico, Mon Laferte, today described as "Ignorant" to the Chilean president, Sebastián Piñera, after missing a sentence that he had pronounced in a discussion published a few days ago, in which he was referring to the so-called "beginning of the miniskirt".

At a public act at the launch of a project of As for regional development, Piñera said: "we will apply (to plan) the old and wise principle of the miniskirt, which must be long enough to cover the fundamentals and short enough to maintain attention. "

In an interview with Radio Radio Station, Laferte said, "What happens is that the people in power are old, male and white, they bring or have another education and I think that the president ignores such comments. "

On the other hand, during a conversation with the online channel Súbela, the Chilean singer spoke about the current political landscape in Latin America, after arriving at power of the President of the United States, Donald Trump.

"I think the region is pretty fascist, but it's been a discovery since the Trump election, from where it was discovered in the United States," he said. the singer, who did a press tour in Chile.

"I think that Mexico is the only country that goes against the grain because we have for the first time a president (Andrés Manuel López Obrador) who will apparently do things well, I do not say that the left is everything, but I believe in people, "added the performer of successes like" Your lack of love. "

" I think that's the problem of today in America Latin is very full of fascism and everything we think about going forward goes back quite far, "he said.

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