Mourinho frustrated by lack of Manchester United reinforcements


Jose Mourinho lamented Manchester United's inactivity at the pbading window, seeing his team fall 4-1 to Liverpool on Saturday during his pre-season tour of the United States.

Mourinho said he was only waiting to bring a player before the start of the new season of the Premier League, despite having handed a list with five names to club directors a few months ago.

The failure of United to strengthen with new faces and the absence of several key players from the first team after the World Cup in Russia, has forced the Portuguese coach to put on the field during the multi-player American tour Young people who had not been tested before.

On Saturday, United was defeated by Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool in Ann Arbor, Michigan, in the penultimate game of the Red Devils before facing Real Madrid in Miami. Tuesday August 5th, the team will face Bayern Munich in this German city.

Mourinho, increasingly pessimistic during the tour, expressed frustration at the club's relative inactivity in the market. "I would like to have two other players," admits Mourinho. "I think I'm not going to have two, I'd have one, I've given the club a list of five names a few months ago and I have to wait to see it." it is possible to have one of these players ".

"If this is not possible, it is not possible, if it is possible, it is fine, otherwise we will continue to fight and work and to trust the players we have ". Chilean Alexis Sanchez versus Liverpool, Mourinho suggested that the pre-season tour had been of little value, and noted that the team was trying to "survive."

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