Movie starring Pampita would be in FBI sites


The film "Do you want your sister's man" with Pampita, would currently be in the FBI's views, this for a scene that would be considered child badgraphy.

According to the slogan of BioBioChile, the complaint of the US site PJ Media and social networks, was the scene of the beginning of the film, where you can see Ofelia (ten years) in a room next to the other small, jumping with a pillow between his legs, imitating a rider who sees on television. At this moment, the narrative of the controversy begins: "The day that I had my first bad, I experienced the effect of barbiturates, my mother diagnosed me with epilepsy and she gave me medicine without hesitation, her pills erased everything, but nothing erased that first ardor. "

Allegations that allegedly reached the FBI, suggest that Netflix included in its catalog" content illegal "in this controversial film starring Carolina" Pampita "Ardohain, Mónica Antonópulos and Juan Sorini.

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