Neill Blomkamp working on a new RoboCop movie • GamerFocus


For four years, the franchise RoboCop remained static. The last thing the fans could see was the remake of 2014, which was not so well received due to the lack of violence and social satire from the original film directed by Paul Verhoeven .

Fortunately, a recent US media report Deadline revealed that Metro Golden Mayer – the studio that owns the film rights of the character – has plans for this beloved franchise.


Neill Blomkamp [19659006] Neill Blomkamp known to lead District 9 was appointed director of a new reboot / after. This will ignore the events of all past movies, except for the first, and will be titled RoboCop Returns . Blomkamp will not be alone since Ed Neumeier and Michael Miner authors of the original film, will respectively play the role of producer and executive producer.

Justin Rhodes who co-wrote the screenplay for the upcoming film Terminator will rewrite a booklet that Neumeier and Miner wrote for the rest of the original 1985 film. it has never been used.

Blomkamp shared a few words on what he wants to accomplish with this new version:

"The original movie definitely had a huge effect on me when I was a kid.I loved it at the time and it remains a clbadic science fiction of the late twentieth century, which has a real meaning behind the superficial. Hope this is something that we can reproduce with following .It's my goal.

What I've identified as a child has changed.In the beginning, consumerism, the Reagan's materialism and policies, characteristics of the United States of the 1980s, were what stood out the most.However, as I get older, the part that really resonates with me is identity and research. is there, a good story can work anytime.What attracts me now in the movie, is the quest the protagonist to recover his lost identity, carried away by those who benefit. It's the most captivating thing.

The other thing that fascinates me is the opportunity to return to work with Justin Rhodes. He added some pretty cool elements to a suite in the world of Verhoeven. It is a movie that I would like to see. "

He is currently unknown when he will be published RoboCop Returns and will play the policeman Alex Murphy.

Source: Deadline

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