Netflix denounced for a Pampita film with alleged pornography on children – 29/06/2018


Since the film You want your sister's guy, – the movie starring Carolina "Pampita" Ardohain with Monica Antonopoulos, Juan Sorini and Andrea Frigerio – was included in Netflix, this movie was has been reproduced all over the world. And now, nearly 9 months after its premiere, some international media and several viewers say the film contains a child badgraphy scene and accuse the streaming giant of including the product in its list.

  From the Hand of

In the controversial scene two girls appear in a room. One of them (Ofelia), plays with a cushion between his legs, imitating a rider who sees on television. Then, this scene takes a badual turn since the character, a few minutes later, tells: "The day I had my first bad I knew the effect of barbiturates, my mother m 39; diagnosed epilepsy and she gave me medication without hesitation, the pills erased everything, but nothing erased that first ardor. "

  The Promotional Poster

L & P Promotional poster

This scandal occurred after the US site PJ Medi published an article in which he denounced Netflix for including in its catalog a film that reproduces "a content illegal". In this way, the journalist who signed the note indicated that he filed a complaint with the FBI and the United States Department of Justice because the film shows "child badgraphy".

"Whoever shares a crime to spread child badgraphy, even if it tries to get help for the child Any additional distribution revictimizes the child, and because of this, PJ Media will not share the video or the pictures of the film the faces of the victims, the only thing that the public can do is to inform the authorities, "says the reporter who filed the complaint, at the end of his article

  A scene of Pampita

A scene of Pampita. [19659006] In turn, some viewers turned their anger on Twitter, to share their discontent and ask Netflix to remove the film from its catalog and start an investigation.

  Pampita Ardohain spoke to the controversial "ban" of her movie "src =" "data-big =" https: // 02 / HJz9Cjk2b_290x290.jpg "data-small ="

"@Netflix Why do you offer there any child badgraphy? @DesDes @FBI @TheJusticeDept, please, "tweeted a user. "It is illegal to transmit child badgraphy @Netflix is ​​under investigation to do so

According to Section 2256 of Title 18 of the United States Code, child badgraphy is "Any visual representation of a badually explicit behavior." Involving a minor (someone under the age of 18). "

  Pampita Hot: the trailer of their first movie" src = "" data-big = "" data-small = "

Since the creation of the film in Argentina, all kinds of opinions have been generated, in favor or against, but it has never been emphasized that this film reproduces Similarly, the controversy t was generated when this film directed by Diego Kaplan – based on the book of Erika Halvorsen – has been cataloged by the Consultative Committee for Cinematographic Exposures (CAEC) as being reserved for over 18 years old.

<img clbad = "lazyload" itemprop = "image" src = "" data-big = " /2017/09/26/ByWtkW_jW_720x0.jpg "data-small =" "alt =" Forbidden to minors under 18. [19659005] Forbidden to minors of 18.

In this regard, last year, Mónica Antonópulos was decisive and turned his indignation on his Instagram account with a photo of the movie's poster. "It's amazing, reflection of hypocrisy: rapes, violence of all colors, ill-treatment is not forbidden, but badual enlightenment of two girls is a scandal, the bad counted of the woman in 2017 is prohibited to minors of 18. When the offer of women as object desire is applauded, it is a society that praises brain masturbation, seeing a wife enjoy is forbidden, her lib Annoying pride, in the patriarchal society the woman is the object. he said.

  Pampita is encouraged to talk about his badual desire "src =" "data-big =" /09/29/r1YbdX3iZ_290x290.jpg "data-small ="

Y followed: " Sex was counted at Starting from the woman in 2017 is prohibited for under 18 when the woman's bid as OBJECT's wish is applauded. This is a company that boasts brain masturbation. a woman to enjoy is forbidden, her freedom disturbs, in the patriarchal society the woman is the object, to refrain from masks, pacatos! "

This same image was commented by l & # The above-mentioned author, who opined: "The films with rapes are apt for 13. Here the threat is to show that women love, they have discovered that a woman bound to her own desire will be difficult to submit" . 19659022] [ad_2]
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