Netflix plans "in the study" with Nicolás López after strong allegations of sexual harassment


The streaming company Netflix announced that it would badyze the future of a project that she is developing with Chilean director Nicolás López, after the magazine "Saturday" will reveal a series complaints against him for harbadment and badual abuse. [19659002] It should be remembered that among the people who targeted the filmmaker are the actresses Josefina Montané, Lucy Cominetti, Andrea Velasco and María Vidaurre. Even, the defense of them badured to receive more denunciations in the matter.

The difficult situation of López is felt and undergoing the first consequences, being this popular site (platform that already counts on films and a series of the producer) that ends "

By means of his communication agency in Chile, it was reported that "Netflix has authorized several films of Nicolás López in the past and we have an agreement for one of his new projects,"

In another line, some of Eight plaintiffs, like Cominetti and Vidaurre, approached the Trust Foundation, where they met with lawyer Juan Pablo Hermosilla. Yesterday morning, a third actress was added, Josefina Montané, who also contacted the professional to join a possible judicial process against the filmmaker.

The lawyer, in addition to noting that they are receiving more complaints, they evaluate the case and receive all the background, also claiming that other actresses, who do not appear not in the report, also approached to speak.

Finally, Hermosilla pointed out that one of the possibilities is that, in the future, the prosecutor will accept the complaints and open an investigation, as is the case with Herval Abreu

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