Netflix reveals the image of Diego Luna in the series "Narcos: Mexico"


The streaming platform Netflix published the first trailer of the series "Narcos: Mexico" where he reveals the new image of the actor Diego Luna the role of the drug trafficker Miguel Ángel Félix Gallardo founder of the cartel of Guadalajara which emerged in the 80s.

The fourth season of the series is moves from Colombia to Mexico and will be released at the end of the year, as revealed by Netflix.

" New history, new country, new distribution … Narcos: Mexico ", highlights the promotional video published on the social networks of the digital platform

In the video appears in a close-up Diego Luna personifying the Mexican capo Felix Gallardo, dressed in a gray suit, beard and mustache, and taking a provocative look. In his hands he carries a pistol .

Later, we can see the American actor of Mexican origin Michael Peña who will put himself in the shoes of Enrique "Kiki" Salazar an agent of Infiltration of the DEA who was badigned to the office in the Mexican city of Guadalajara.

The cast is also composed of José María Yazpik as Amado Carrillo Fuentes, aka "El lord of heaven," who founded the Juarez cartel and became famous for moving drugs in planes .

Also participating in the delivery of Netfliz, Alejandro Edda, who will personify Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzmán, leader of the cartel Sinaloa.

"Narcos: Mexico City" will tell the story since the emergence of drug cartels, as well as the dispute between different criminal groups for the control of squares and the transfer of the goods.

Also, the series will address the current struggle of governments against drug cartels .

In addition to Diego Luna, the other Mexican actors who will participate in the fourth season are Tenoch Huerta, Joaquín Cosío, Tessa Ía and Alfonso Dosal .

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