Netizens Destroy Kathy Salosny for Flagrant Aid in "The Divine Food"


The cheerleader presented a menu based on Peruvian food.

The recently adopted chapter of "The Divine Food" was among his guests Katherine Salosny, the "Kiwi", Andrea Molina and Julio Milostich.

It was precisely TVN's cheerleaders who took most of the criticism and at the time of cooking, she received help from Anita, her nanny

After a brief visit from her house, Kathy entered her kitchen and introduced her badistant of Peruvian origin. She decided to create a menu.

Although Salosny introduced Anita and claimed to be an expert in the kitchen, the tweeters did not forgive her and they launched harsh criticism.


# LaDivinaFood The crack misses me @KathySalosny but I suspect that the little girl has cooked everything. Peruvian food is the best but I know that the hand does not come from Kathy!

– Mary (@ marysol997) October 28, 2018

Kathy .. Very rich and all … But you have not cooked anything … Better Q Anita is sitting at the table. #LaDivinaFood

– Alx (@alx_lillo) October 28, 2018

But Kathy did not cook anything …
I hope that it's not too bad. Anita will win the prize of #LaDivinaFood

– Nasrana (@CristoDeElqui) 28 October 2018

I do not know, I do not know Kathy ..
She will make also pure Peruvian food for the nanny … ] #LaDivinaComida

– Mike the devil ? (@Mike_Demonio) 28 October 2018

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