New without winning: Audax Italiano won Colo Colo in the cuts | The sports


Colo Colo does not know what to do to win . It seemed that he had the win in his pocket, but Audax Italiano stole a point in the agony of drawing 1-1 at the Florida Bicentennial.

First Half was played and with little goal action. The Alba defense neutralized Sergi Santos and Renato Tarifeño, leaving Ivan Ledezma with no other pbad choice.

The attacked albos relied on the mobility of Caesar Pinares and the clarity of Jaime Valdes. , who created clearer goal options .

Having just started the second half, the "Cacique" had the advantage . Lucas Barrios suffered from a jersey shot, Angelo Hermosilla took a penalty kick and Esteban Paredes scored his 210 in the first division.

Juan José Ribera wanted more offensive weight and better ball management with the revenues of Juan Leiva and Luis Cabrera. led the Italians .

Osvaldo Bosso began to hurt the right and Ledezma was disturbed by the mobilization of for the entire court which complicated the side and containment flows of the popular painting. 19659002] However, they found a solid Agustín Orión, who reacted very well with a pair of backups that maintained a goal .

But in the discounts, a center of the right was connected by Manuel Fernández, who triumphed over Argentina's resistance with a head to the extreme post.

Due to the tie, the Macul has arrived. to 39 units and they follow to seventh place while the audinos reach the 31 points and remain tenths.

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