News: Santiago del Estero Film Festival 2018: Argentinean cinema not only assists in Buenos Aires


The youngest film festival in Argentina takes place in Santiago del Estero. Count – as happens with that of Cosquín or that of Antofagasta in Chile – with a very active promoter, who puts the festival at the shoulder with his equipment: Pichu Tomsic undertook this activity with enthusiasm and a production effort with tireless lung work, which has borne fruit.

Five days of festival (from June 26 to 30), more than 30 films in Argentine and international competition, short films, school works and 58 guests circulating between theaters and the public to attend two simultaneous functions or other activities many . There are workshops of badysis and criticism of films, artistic direction, sound, theater, production. All this in the Cultural Center of Bicentennial, a magnificent building that houses the Museum of Fine Arts, Anthropological and Historical. The festival is not official, although it has the support of the government, the provincial parliament and the municipality, and the people of Santiago. From INCAA, nothing of anything

The programming that Pichu has developed next to Juan Pablo Salomón is extremely eclectic: on the Argentine side, we can see them – in one projection each – from a few films who have already circulated some festivals or made their premiere in Buenos Aires – Moacir III Tiger Invisible Mario on Tour The Queen of Fear Yallah, Yallah! to others who have their first here, or at least have not yet been screened in front of the public of Buenos Aires.

Clearly, Argentine cinema is no longer only present in Buenos Aires: several films were shot in different parts of the country: Córdoba arrives Instructions for Float a Dead from Nadir Medina. A film of acute sensitivity that, as part of the programmed selection, deals with generational issues, friendship and, most importantly, absence. A girl returns from exile to find a friend and faces the absence of a third, deceased. Without explanations, without psychological research, using action and extraordinary use of empty spaces, Medina manages to create a suggestive climate, with eloquent melancholy. This second film from Medina earned him several awards: that of the Association of Columnists, Publishing Award and Audience Award. Hope this success will serve to boost its premiere in Buenos Aires and in other cities.

Paraíso is a film by Pablo Falá de Córdoba, with a failed scenario and good performances and photographs of the Traslasierra region. Zonda was the future Diego Navarrete is filmed in San Juan, and is also a portrait of this generation, those thirty. But, unlike Instructions to Float a Dead that has a firm script, this film is based on unrealized improvisations, voices, and superimposed situations that show the dangers in which a movie can fall. without vectoras ideas.

The documentary Freestyle is a joint work of brothers Javier and Juan Zeballos. They accompany a rapper, Matías Escobar, in his retirement in a house in Camet, on the outskirts of Mar del Plata, where he devotes himself to composing, recording in an improvised studio, walking on the beach, entertaining friends and painting pictures. graffiti. Another film of great sensitivity and empathy for the documentary, which breaks the clichés that one could imagine of this somewhat marginal character, and who also has an excellent music and an unusual photograph of Mar del Plata, both of Juan Zeballos.


All the meetings of the festival were crossed by the comments on the more than 350 licensees of Telam, while we received news of additional layoffs. And precisely, the closing of the same was in charge of the latest film by Paulo Pécora, experienced filmmaker and journalist, one of the victims of this fierce policy. What we have – which has been seen in world premiere – also deals with the problems of this young generation: three friends spend a few days together on the beach of La Lucila del Mar, without specifying the links between them, playing with some ambiguity, the information given to the droppers, while the tensions seem to break these links. A friendly film, optimistic in the background, result of a collective creation of Pécora – who has a brief performance here – and its performers Mónica Lairana, Maricel Santin and Alberto Rojas Apel

There were few things that we could see in international competition. days that we were, but the selection is also very varied, with movies usually never seen in other festivals in the country. Before the end of the summer by Maryam Goormaghtugh, follows the journey of three Iranian friends living in France, who, to say goodbye to one of them who returns in their country, go on a trip to deep France, to the sea. Based on constant dialogues between the three, it addresses issues such as uprooting, identity, friendship, seduction. An interesting cross between a documentary and a fiction, to represent a generation, an ethnic group and, in addition, a small cinematic France. Controfigura is a curious film of the Italian Rä di Martino, with Valeria Golino: cinema in the cinema, a man looking for pools in Marrakech to swim there, as the protagonist of a movie must do it afterwards that roll. Between one and the other, he runs on a steep and rocky terrain, barefoot, with an uncertain direction.

The Prize of the International Competition went to Pani: Mujeres, Drogas and Kathmandu a hard documentary by the Spanish Luis Gallego about drug-addicted women in Nepal, a taboo situation that condemns them to marginality, prostitution or loneliness.

The Argentine Contest won Corralón from Eduardo Pinto, already established in Buenos Aires. At the time of the awards ceremony, Kris Niklison had to appear three times on stage, to receive a mention from the Association of Chroniclers, the ADF Award for Best Director's Photography and another mention of the Argentinian Competition, for his sensitive film Vergel .

In summary: a small but important party to follow, and above all, which has the extraordinary warmth of the people of Santiago.

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