Nicolás López: All these cases of complaints must be studied and seriously | Society


The director accused of badual harbadment and abuse, Nicolás López talks with Primer Plano, where he refers to these denunciations, in the prelude to the publication of the 39, commented newspaper article Sábado de El Mercurio

"I am surprised, I did not read the article, but it is a subject that must be treated with the seriousness that it is. he has, and these things have nothing to do with what a magazine says, but because what the law says " he baderted.

López added that "when I have clarity on what is accused, who accuses me and why I have no problem answering it" ] but I need to know all the backgrounds. "

On charges and legality, the director explained that" obviously the law will have to see it, like all things like that, because there are laws. "] But it is wonderful that we are at a time when all women are They do not have the opportunity to go out and say that it has happened something I will always defend this and it is wonderful.Now, like all the accusations, it is the law and I will have to see it with lawyers. "

The filmmaker commented that he was calm and that "it seems wonderful to me, that all these cases must be studied and seriously".

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