Nicolas López receives three new complaints of sexual abuse: In one of them, the victim was a minor


This morning, three new complaints were filed against the director Nicolás López, who was accused a few weeks ago by eight women of badual harbadment and abuse in Saturday's magazine, the same media where the new alleged victims have reported crude episodes.

The first was called "the zero complaint" because it is dated 2004 and would be considered the first act of abuse by Nicolás López, also allowing the creation of a chronology of complaints in the # 39; s case. This, according to the journalist identified as B.A.W.I, was produced while the director was going to release the film "Red Average". BAWI was 17 years old, a minor, and was invited by Lopez himself to the film's premiere and then to celebrate, although he ended, according to the alcohol and alcohol. The insistence of the director, in his hotel where he was staying.

"I think that at three in the morning, I left the bathroom with vomiting, very serious, and I told him that I wanted to go home because I felt He said no, that we should go to his hotel, the Marina del Rey.I did not give more, I could hardly endure.I remember that it was m & # 39; he offered cocaine, he badured me that with that I was going to recover and that we could continue to party but I rejected him. said that at his hotel we would have a good time, that we could watch movies and order food, so go ahead, "says the woman about what happened with Nicolás López, adding: "I remember saying, you know nothing will happen, is not it?" He answered quietly, "I'm not going to penetrate you." Penetrate a minor is a crime, we arrived in the room and j & # 39; was very sick, I collapsed on the bed. "

After that, the worst came, according to the story of the young woman, whom we remember at that time Nicolás López" went up on the bed and sat on his chest , the immobilizer. "

" I remember being awake and feeling how heavy he was and that he was hitting me with his penis on his face. from his disgusting face, looking at me all the time and I was like the gesture of framing both hands, saying that he was never going to forget it, I know that he came into my mouth, I never said no, but I did not give him his consent either. I was very well healed, I fell asleep, but suddenly I woke up because I was out of breath. "

The next day Nicolás López's partner, Miguel Asensio, who took her to the home of her Tania Figueroa

But this is not the only episode of badual abuse that the woman identified as BAWI remembers, since the director invites her later in the launch of the book on "Medium Red" in a local in Providencia. "I went in the bathroom, which was for one person and he followed me. He knew I was thinking of studying drama. Then he said that if tomorrow I wanted to play in one of his films, I had to go through a casting with him. "

After that, Nicolás López was more violent:" He made me kneel. It was sudden, it does not let you reject it. I remember that it's over, I slapped him and told him "dirty" guatón. He wiped the corner of my mouth with his finger and said, rinse yourself. You will always be cute. "

BAWI will testify to prosecutors in the coming weeks

Another woman who accuses him of badual abuse is the actress Daniela Mateluna, who has already testified about her experience with Nicolás López in a feast after finishing filming one of his films. "Nicolás began to get closer (…) he tried to kiss me on the neck, face," remembers Mateluna, who found the director in preview of a film by Fabrizio Copano, where López invited her to the party later. She accepted, but before he told her that she had to go to her production company "Sobras", she experienced a new episode of abuse.

"She threw herself on me (…) she started to touch me. He could see my bads and he was touching them, "recalls the actress, adding that" Nicolás got up, dropped his pants and started playing in front of me, he told me that you had nothing to do.

It came to the Kenyan Lost model. Labrasileña went to Sobras invited by Nicolás López. In an improvisation exercise, she stressed that "she started touching my chest, her arms, all very hard." She took my hand and laid it on him, in her parts.

She managed to escape and take Uber. 19659003]


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