Noel Gallagher: Before returning to the country, he assures that there will be no Oasis meeting and talks about his violent childhood – 25/10/2018


Noel Gallagher does not utter any word at random, leaving no interpretation left to chance. This 51-year-old Mancunian, dry, provocative and lively, thinks deeply before answering. But before wondering if his former band, Oasis, which he had been running for nearly two decades, was the best in the world (at least, at the journalist's discretion, from the mid-90s to the beginning of the new millennium ), it does not occur to him to make the effort to badyze it. "Yes, we were," Noel spits immediately.


-Because I made great songs and I worked like a bading thing during this time to make this band the best of all. (And it is also mentioned that Oasis also made "good" records after the album Standing on the Shoulders of Giants 2000).

– and why do you think they were so important at that time? Do you think they would have had the same impact as they had existed in the 80s, for example?

– We arrived after the grunge boom, Nirvana … And because we had an extraordinary composer (laughs). I think that if Oasis had existed in the 80s, we would have looked like U2.

– Do you feel more comfortable with your solo career compared to your time at Oasis?

– (think) Well, these are all my songs and I see absolutely no significant change from the time I was at Oasis. But I feel good, calm … I'm in a good time. I am doing what I am happy to do and I am at peace.

  Noel Gallagher. The elder brother says he does not care who asks him, even if he is his mother, he will not reconcile with Liam.

Noel Gallagher. The elder brother says he does not care who asks him, even if he is his mother, he will not reconcile with Liam.

– You were the composer of Oasis, but the band did not discuss musical problems? 19659003] -A bit … (he thinks) No, not really (contradicts himself). It was different from what I'm doing now; it's true it was a rock stadium, mbadive: a rock band. And what I'm doing now is a bit more thoughtful, in terms of intimacy and musical connection, with my fans … And that's my problem.

"I'm still on tour, and now I'm thinking about a new album for the band, next year I like to write new music and stuff like that, but I do not want to do that. something that I can not handle, I must have a natural sound. "

– In your last album, there are experimental sounds, close to electronic music. You had a DJ producer (David Holmes) and I even read that you listened a lot to the CamelPhat group. Are you slowly going towards this sound, mixed with yours?

– (Laughter) I think if I write a song like this ( bading ) Cola (One of the themes The Noel favorites of this group) would do it in this style, of course. But I do not think I can explore much more electronic music. Plus, I do not have time to explore something that I do not manage. I am still on tour and I am thinking now of a new album for next year. I like to write new music and something like that, but I do not want to do anything that I can not handle. I must look natural.

-Avance of your next album?

-Nothing for the moment

-For the first time, you had several collaborations (on his last album Who Built the Moon?) of 2017) . And your friend Johnny Marr played a single song ( If Love Is The Law ). Why?

– Oh, I love Johnny Marr! In addition to my friend, he is a great guitarist and he moves too well in the studio. (He thinks) He played other songs with me, which I recorded but we did not put them on the album. (Reflexes) It's true that there are a lot of collaborations. It's the only time I've done it that way. I mean, I was in situations where producers told me to do something like that. But really, once the song is written and you have worked with it for a year, it will not change much. There will be no radical change, like saying "let's take the couplet of this song and the verse of the other song, synchronize it and see what happens". There is nothing of that. This could be: "Try faster or try more slowly or with a different vibration in the battery", but there are no really radical ideas. The only reason this works is that, if I've written a song for a year and I'm attached to it, then I know how I want it to sound.

– Since you started your solo career, tour after tour, you have been adding more and more Oasis songs. Because? And what do these songs mean now?

– I think they are part of my life, my youth and the youth of many others. For me, they mean the sound of that time, when I was young. And it's true that more and more I'm adding Oasis songs and the more you grow, the more you start to interpret them … (think) But if I know I'm pushing some thing, I know it's not ok … if it sounds natural and something completely different, perfect. If this sounds natural and identical to that of 1994, it's also great. But if I'm not comfortable, I do something different. Quite simply, the main reason I turn to these songs is that my fans want to hear them. And I can not be arrogant because these problems have brought me where I am today. I'm not sure I can do my show without touching me. Do not go back into the anger or of Wonderwall or on the other side of the world .

  Noel Gallagher, on the River Plate court scene, in 1991, while leading the Inspiral Carpets group.

Noel Gallagher, on the River Plate court scene, in 1991, when he directed the group Inspiral Carpets

– I've seen you photograph since 1991. You were on stage at the River Plate stadium, as leader of the group Inspiral Carpets. Do you remember?

-Oh, yes!

-Years later, with Oasis, you've filled that same stadium. What did you think about that time?

– That's right. (Think) Oasis did not exist when I took the picture, and I was the main role of a band and had a good time, really. I had no ambition to be a rock star, I did not dream of playing in the River Plate stadium, nor in any other … I was not thinking about anything in particular, I was living this moment, you know. Yes, this picture you say can be strong. The photo is only meaningful now, when you see it, because later, I filled that same stage. But at the time it was not, he was only a cursed skinny, cute boy, with beautiful hair (he usually states that he loves his hair) but without ambitions of rock star.

– In the documentary Supersonic ] of Oasis, you revealed that your father was beating you like a boy. How did your childhood go?

– This was … (thoughtful) This was not good. But it's not something that can make it relevant now. My father was violent, that's right. But I try not to look far behind my current life, my musical life or my current relationships. This is the past. I do not really think about it. I'm thinking of the present, not the way it was. I do not care about it. I never think that we had no money and that what I experienced was not good. But that was my reality. Normal. Now I see it like that. And as I did not worry too much at this time, I will do it less today.

"My father was violent, it's true, but I try not to look too far in the past, in my musical life or in my current relationships." It's in the past .

– One of his shares, you got closer to the guitar?

-Yes, that's what my dad did me do something for me. I think that has led me to turn away from everything, to plunge deep into my world, in response to that. And the guitar … this thing has become my universe.

– Is it true that years later, they met him and that Liam hit him?

-No, we must clarify that this is not true. It was crosswords, hard, but there was no physical violence.

– Did you return to see your father after this period?

– (Think) Ehh … No.

– Are you completely different as a father as he was?

-Absolutely. And my children had a completely different childhood than mine. (Noel has three children: Anaïs, born in 2000 from her marriage to Meg Mathews, and Donovan Rory -2007- and Sonny Patrick, in 2010, from her current marriage with Sara MacDonald.)

-And from there Until Now, how has the fame changed you?

– (Reflects) My circumstances have changed. He took me from a small Manchester home to a bading hotel in London. I do not know if he has changed much more than that. I do not know if it changed my soul. It changed my environment and my circumstances, and I do not think it would change me as a person. I think I always do the same thing that I did in the 90s and that I act the same way.

– Is it true that your mother insists that you and Liam reconcile you as brothers?

– This is not true. (Laughs) She knows … (She thinks) I'm 51, Liam is almost 50 years old, or how old I am at 47, I think. So nobody will tell us what to do, nobody will tell me what to do, I'm crazy. No matter who it is, in this case, my mother. But she knows that it will not happen. And I will not reconcile, because the group will not come back, it is the end of Oasis.

-But, it seems, Liam really wants Oasis to come back. He says you and he "get better together" musically. Do you agree?

-No, I think it's the best (shootings, ironic), it's clearly better to sing Oasis songs. That's why he sings so much (continuous, piercing). I'm done. It's over. And I've known him for 10 years. Since the day I left the group, I knew I would not come back.

– From 1 to 10, how many points do you give to Liam's record?

– Which one

– "As you were", the last, his debut as a soloist.

-I did not hear it

-Pardon Christmas, but I do not believe you.

– (Think) Well, I can not do much if you do not believe me. I admit to having heard the singles, glbad wall and for what it's worth . I heard these two

-So …

– (Think) So what? He did not write them, I do not know who did that, but he was not. So I can not have a damn opinion about it.

  Other times. The Liam brothers and Noël Gallagher kissing.

Other moments. The brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher kissing.

-Nick Cave told this newspaper that rock seems to be able to keep looking back. Do you agree?

– (Rethink, deep and make sounds with his mouth) Rock seems to be a little … Well, yes, I can not disagree with him. I saw Nick Cave for the first time last summer … and it was incredible bading, I totally agree with him (laughs). But, in reality, I do not have a strong opinion on this type of problem. The music that I love, I do not feel that rock is in the doldrums or that I look back. Rock is rock and the world changes, everything changes constantly

– Is it true that you give more importance to music than to lyrics?

-Yes, there are many of my favorite songs that I do not know What I'm talking about and I'm crazy. But the melodies are great. If the words I sing serve the melodies and make me feel good, that's all. The lyrics arrive at the end.

"The music I love, I do not think rock is in the doldrums or looking back, rock is rock and the world is changing, everything is changing constantly."

– Melissa Lim was the woman for whom you had created the song of Talk Tonight (included in the album (What does the story tell about) Morning Glory? 1995) and that was The head of Oasis does not part at the beginning of the group? She recently went to speak with the international media, claiming that you did not name her in the documentary.

– Who? (Think) Oh, yes, this Chinese woman … Well, I'm calling her now. (Thinks again) Yes, it may have been that way. What I remember was … (She thinks) She was there when I needed a place to stay and someone who heard me talking about the damn things I complained to this time (I would have had a hard battle with his brother, Liam). And as a result of that, I made a great song. I do not see her anymore, I do not know what she does or where she is. God protects you. (During the documentary, without naming her name, she glimpsed that she was a "spiritual animal" who had taken Noel under her wing and had "straightened" him for it to continue with the group. .)

  The cover of Oasis' debut album, "Definitely Maybe", includes the presence of Burt Bacharach, one of Noel's favorite composers, in 1994.

The cover of the first album of the year Oasis, "Definitely Maybe," includes the presence of Burt Bacharach, one of Noel's favorite composers (1994)

– Why does Burt Bacharach appear on the album cover art Definitely Maybe and not another artist?

– Because he's a genius. He is one of my favorite composers and he has written one of my favorite songs of my life, . This guy is in love with you . It was him as Neil Young could have been, or the damn John Lennon or Paul McCartney, but I decided on him. I put them all on the same footing.

– Are you missing Oasis at Wembley Stadium? I remember the disc and DVD of Family To Millions, that they made there.

– Absolutely not. Yes, the rise of the group, the mbadiveness I miss … But there is a moment where it stagnates … And this damn thing did not miss it at all.

– Think your fans are waiting for each album. you speak like oases?

– (Reflects) I do not know, I never thought … If so, they should not, because I hope you like what I do. I tell you, I do not know if I could write other rock and roll albums like these. Like, I have never sat down to consider it. And, in general, I do not think about my next move.

Noel Gallagher will perform on November 4 at Luna Park (Av. Eduardo Madero 470). Tickets are available via Ticketportal or at the ticket offices of the stadium.

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