Not even one of the directors of "Avengers Infinity War" was saved from the massive prohibition of Thanos on Reddit


Under the name "Thanos did nothing wrong", a subreddit became popular after announcing that it would ban half of its users, just as Thanos did away with half of the # 39; universe. His success was such that even the directors of "Avengers Infinity War" entered the game.

After subreddit, he ended his ban to the Thanos for the "Avengers Infinity War" The filmmakers found themselves on sides Opposites, with Joe Russo surviving while Anthony ended up in Soul Gem. Perfectly balanced

For those who are unaware of what has happened. Last week, the subreddit "Thanos Did Nothing Wrong" announced that they would ban half of its members with the blessing and help of Reddit. As the news became viral, the Russo brothers decided to join the submarine, and they submitted to the sacrifice inspired by Thanos.

It turns out that the digital click took place on Monday night and it soon became clear that Thanos was not joking. about balance. Anthony Russo soon published in the new subtitle of "InTheSoulStone (in Gem Soul)" created for those who wanted to know "where am I?". A community moderator then responded that Anthony would be stuck with the unfortunate in Soul Gem, Joe Russo had survived.

It is unclear whether the separation of Russo as a result of this numerical click was planned or simply a coincidence. Since the ban has been achieved through a bot created by Reddit specifically for the mbad ban and its progress was broadcast live during the event. with some users seeing their names appear while the ban was occurring.

Even Marvel entered the game subreddit, impressing the members, after posting a video of Josh Brolin himself to precede the ban with a click of his own. And then it will be done, a smiling Thanos gif next to the "Perfectly Balanced" message has been uploaded to the official Twitter account.

Perfectly balanced.https: // pic.twitter. com / LLqKHiHyom

– Marvel Studios (@MarvelStudios) July 10, 2018

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